You may have heard someone say, "marriage is just a piece of paper." That idea often comes from someone who has forgotten that marriage is not a man-made idea. Rather, God came up with the idea of marriage and talks about it in the earliest pages of The Bible. In this sermon, Pastor Mark Hartman walks through God's design for marriage, found in Genesis 2:18-25. Here are just a few of the practical things we learn about marriage in this lesson.
Marriage is Strongest When God is First: At the core of a thriving marriage lies a shared commitment to prioritize God above all else. When we place God at the center of our lives, our relationships with our spouses naturally fall into place. It's about putting each other second and allowing God's love to guide our actions.
God Intended Marriage to be a Covenant, Not a Contract: Unlike contracts, which focus on self-interest and protection of assets, marriage is meant to be a covenant—a sacred bond characterized by selflessness and shared life. In Malachi 2:14, God emphasizes the importance of honoring the marriage covenant, highlighting the sacredness of the union between husband and wife.
The Goal: Completion of Each Other: In Genesis 2:18, we see God's intention for marriage—to create a partnership where each spouse complements and completes the other. This isn't about one person dominating the other, but rather, it's about mutual respect, support, and love. As Matthew Henry eloquently puts it, God created woman to be man's equal, protector, and beloved partner.
How Do We Reach the Intimacy of Completing Each Other?: Achieving genuine intimacy in marriage requires a commitment to leave behind the past, cleave to our spouses, and become one flesh. It's about embracing vulnerability, being fully transparent, and loving each other unconditionally, just as Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden.
So, as we embark on this journey of rediscovering God's blueprint for marriage, let's remember that it's not about perfection, but rather, it's about growth, grace, and a whole lot of love. Together, let's re-engage with our spouses, armed with the keys to unlock a marriage that honors God and brings joy to our hearts.